Examples of hospitality in the odyssey book 9

Telemachus, the focus of the first four books of the odyssey, provides an early example of good hospitality as both a host and a guest. He is the example throughout the epic poem of a good guest. The importance of hospitality in the odyssey essay examples. Students familiar with some of the legends of the odyssey but new to the epic itself might be surprised to see that the section on the lotuseaters is only about twentyfive lines long 9. In book 9 of homers odyssey, what are some quotes about.

There are certain responsibilities hosts and guests are counted upon to uphold. An example of hospitality shown in the form of gifts is when odysseus is in polyphemus cave. About the odyssey the odyssey summary character list glossary themes quotes and analysis books 14 books 58 books 9 12 books 16 books 1720 books 2124 symbols, allegory and motifs metaphors and similes irony imagery the fractal structure of epics literary elements related links essay questions quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3 quiz 4 citations. The qualities of cunning, disguise, and selfrestraint are closely related in the odyssey in some ways, theyre sides of the same coin. Great examples and literary analysis of the use of themes in homers the odyssey. In book 1, telemachus shows examples of good xenia.

Odyssey essay on hospitality, an essay fiction fictionpress. Its been ten years since the trojan war ended, and everyone except penelope, who is odysseus wife. The poet invokes the muse to help him tell the story of odysseus. Evidently one was expected to welcome anyone who showed up at ones door, few or no questions asked. Elements of good hospitality in ancient greece times. Examples of xenia pp from the guest odysseus told entertaining stories, grateful. We discussed one of these themes, hospitality, and the other themes on this webpage are very interesting as well. The reader learns about the characters through the themes. Good and bad xenia in the odyssey by homer 892 words 4 pages more than a cup of tea offering a hot beverage, food, the safety of your home, or entertainment are all examples of presenting good xenia to guests. An epic of old mali, the theme of hospitality runs thick throughout the narrative, as sundiata is greatly affected by how the other characters receive him. Examples of hospitality in the odyssey hospitality theme. Apr 01, 2011 the odyssey may be viewed as a study in the laws of hospitality pittrivers and is full of examples of both good and bad xenia, where good xenia is rewarded and bad xenia is punished. Hospitality in the odyssey essay 479 words bartleby. He cant stop himself from insulting polyphemus personally, for a reason ill mention, and worst of all, ins.

Polyphemus makes a show of hospitality at first, but he soon turns hostile. Book 9 of the odyssey essaysin this book odysseus is retelling his trip home as a flashback. Hospitality consists of gifts, traditions, and kindness shown throughout. Xenia was the greek word for what we know as hospitality.

After identifying himself to the phaeacians at the feast, odysseus tells the story of his wanderings. Odysseus introduces himself and begins his story, starting with the moment his men leave troy. Odysseus is cunning, or clever, in many instances throughout his journey. Examples of hospitality in the odyssey hospitality. His experiences range from the generous hospitality of the phaeacians to the deathly hospitality of the cyclops. Figurative language in the odyssey consists of metaphors, personification, and epic or homeric similes.

Finally, the suitors display hubris by having no regard for common decency and lack of respect towards others when they take over odysseus home and family, because they believe that, as royalty, they have a right to do it. Xenia in the odyssey hospitality today is nothing like it was in ancient greece. Hostguest relationship great works of literature i. While presentday people usually treat it as a mere act of kindness towards guests, it was an unwritten law in the ancient times. Jul 18, 2017 the odyssey book summary in under five minutes. In homers world, however, hospitality is essential. It relates historical stories with fantastical elements of myth, legend, and divine intervention. Back in ithaka, odysseus tests eumaios hospitality, until eumaios takes offense at the beggars insinuations of being a burden and welcomes him to. Check out our revolutionary sidebyside summary and analysis.

Homers epic poem the odyssey tells the story of odysseus, greek hero of the trojan war, and his adventures at sea during his travel home. The suitors in odysseus and the greek rules of hospitality cram. One example of a homeric simile in the odyssey is in book 9 which chronicles odysseuss battle with polyphemus, the cyclops. Holt literature textbook 9th grade unit 11 the odyssey. Providing some of the richest and most celebrated examples of odyssean cunning, they speak as much to the resourcefulness of. Summary after identifying himself to the phaeacians at the feast, odysseus tells the story. What are some examples of hospitality in the odyssey.

As part of his cunning, odysseus often disguises his identity sometimes in order to survive a. In greek culture, friendliness and generosity are respected traits in people. The odyssey is an epic poem that served an educational purpose for those who heard it. Epics begin in medias res in the middle of things and explore a vast world or universe, generally that involves mythological landscapes such as the home of the gods. The most outstanding example is the suitors, who have taken over odysseus palace uninvited.

The odyssey is indeed an epic because it meets several criteria of the genre. Lets look at an example of hospitality in the story. Xenia, the greek concept of hospitality and the guesthost relationship, was, according to m. Here is this stranger, i do not know who he is, come wandering suppliant here to my house from the eastern or western people. Learn about the theme of hospitality and how it is shown in the odyssey in this essay. The development of xenia and its role in the odyssey a really. The guesthost relationship, powered by the observance of xenia, as a social institution was probably something familiar in the life of the. Hospitality in the odyssey by ciara nicolaou on prezi. The basic form of narrative in the odyssey is very strongly oriented towards imagery. At the very end of the bible, hospitality is still an issue.

For example, when someones car breaks down most people would welcome them into. Nov 27, 2011 hospitality played a vital role in the way a person went about life and lived. Hospitality played a vital role in the way a person went about life and lived. Odysseus old nurse, eurycleia, remains loyal to penelope and her absent master. Nov 27, 2012 indeed, the plot of the odyssey establishes a positive connection between recognition and the observance of hospitality. The aspect of hospitality in the odyssey is a central theme. Hospitality the major themes in the odyssey are especially significant. The odyssey can be thought of as a manual for a host of how to and how not to show hospitality to a guest and vice versa.

If i myself wanted to book 9, page 351, lines 265271 a host and guest relationship is a binary that is seen throughout the odyssey, especially during odysseus long journey. He cant stop himself from insulting polyphemus personally, for a reason ill mention, and worst of all, insults his father poseidon too, and adds many troubles to his voyage thereby. What is an example of homeric simile in the odyssey. Homer has touched on a universal theme, the lure of oblivion through drugs. Epics begin in medias res in the middle of things and explore a vast world or universe, generally that involves mythological landscapes such as the home of the.

Examples of hubris in the odyssey demonstrated by the suitors. Dec 30, 2019 examples of hospitality in the odyssey represent greek hospitality xenia. Homer teaches about both good and bad hospitality in the odyssey through odysseus and the trials he endures on his journey home. The suitors in odysseus and the greek rules of hospitality.

H ere are four examples of hospitality in the bible hospitality. The odyssey book 9 lyrics ulysses declares himself and begins his storythe cicons, lotophagi, and cyclopes and ulysses answered, king alcinous, it is a good thing to hear a bard with such a. Although minor, revenge is another theme of the odyssey. Hospitality, the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, is very important to the gods and. How is xenia shown in the first four books of the odyssey. Xenia is presented in books 14 of the odyssey through the hospitality telemachus gives and receives, and the response to their hospitality. Full list of literary devices grammatical terms poem analysis book. May 05, 2011 the aspect of hospitality in the odyssey is a central theme.

First, the epic revolves around a heroic journey that is filled with obstacles to overcome. In homers epic poem the odyssey, both odysseus and his son telemachus journeys include frequent encounters of hospitality. An important theme evident throughout the epic poem is hospitality. For example, the grave importance of hospitality was a subject of a series of greek myths and legends, and in their most famous homeric epos, iliad and odyssey. Oct 10, 20 xenia is presented in books 14 of the odyssey through the hospitality telemachus gives and receives, and the response to their hospitality.

The notion of hospitality is so strong in the world of the odyssey that guests can even be considered part of ones family. The major themes in the odyssey are especially significant because they serve to form the moral and ethical constitution of most of the characters. Feb 06, 2010 the most outstanding example is the suitors, who have taken over odysseus palace uninvited. Good and bad xenia in the odyssey by homer 892 words bartleby.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Get an answer for in book 9 of homers odyssey, what can we learn about the guesthost relationship. Today, good hospitality is being friendly and respectful to a guest. Finley in the world of odysseus, a powerful institution in ancient greek times which solidified relationships between peoples and created alliances 100. Books 9 through 12 are told as flashbacks, as odysseus sits in the palace of the. Since their behavior is not merely a violation of the hostguest relationship but an attempt to take over the kingdom, it constitutes treason, at least by later standards. Each form of hospitality, whether generous or cruel, distinguishes the civilized hosts from those who are not. One concern of hospitality is the relationship between guest and host and focuses on the sharing of wealth, knowledge, and accommodation. These books thus give background not only to odysseuss audience but to homers as well. Summary and analysis book 9 in the oneeyed giants cave.

In ancient greece, hospitality was something people had to do, or face the wrath of zeus. The most striking example of loyalty in the epic is, of course, penelope, who waits faithfully. Examples of hospitality in the odyssey study guides and. We learn that poseidon, god of the sea, holds a grudge though we dont know exactly why against odysseus and is making the guys voyage home a pretty difficult one. What are examples of greek values shown in the odyssey besides hospitality and.

Hospitality signifies the host and guest relationship. Another example is telemachus, who stands by his father against the suitors. Hospitality is a very important and widely recurring theme hosts who do not give good hospitality are usually punished. Books 9 through 12 are told as flashbacks, as odysseus sits in the palace of the phaeacians telling the story of his wanderings. Every homeowner shows it, and every guest expects it. Odysseus is on the phaecian shore in the hospitality of king alcinous, and narrating the story.

Good and bad xenia in the odyssey by homer 892 words. The more complicated a character is, the more he or she engages these major themes. Hospitality in homers time was well shown through long travels such as odysseus in. The value of xenia on a heros journey a centralized idea in ancient greek society was the value of xenia. It was written according to tradition by homer, who was also the author of the other great greek epic, the iliad. The development of xenia and its role in the odyssey a. As the book begins it tells of his travels and where he winds up during this time. The odyssey can be seen as a book of dos and donts for ediquette for guests and hosts. Alcinous, and penelope show good hospitality, without it odysseus wouldnt. Jan 09, 20 the odyssey can be seen as a book of dos and donts for ediquette for guests and hosts.

Theres nothing better than when deep joy holds sway throughout the realm and banqueters up and down the palace sit in ranks, enthralled to hear the bard, and before them all, the tables heaped with bread and meats, and drawing wine. Significance and consequences of xenia in the odyssey the. In particular, hospitality is perhaps the foremost moral theme of the odyssey, one of the two great epics of ancient greece. In phaeacia and on ithaca, the hospitable reception of odysseus as a guest and the development of the guesthost relationship lead to the recognition and revelation of his true identity. Laodicea, one of the seven cities featured in revelation, is asked to receive the risen jesus as a. The apostle paul says that we should contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality rom 12. The theme of punishment and reward for how xenia is offered runs throughout the odyssey, starting with odysseus encounter with the cyclops. The poem odyssey as a source of knowledge about the ancient greek culture. Following the victory at troy, he and his men sail to ismarus, the stronghold of the cicones. In book 9 of homers odyssey, what are some quotes about odysseuss curiosity causing problems.

Consider a representative example, from when odysseus praises alcinous bard. Laistrygones as another example of bad hospitality. Epic similes are an elaborate comparison between two unlike objects using like or as. At first odysseus seems very concerned for the well being of his crew and he looks o. Princess nausicaa and king alcinous as good and welcoming hosts. About the odyssey the odyssey summary character list glossary themes quotes and analysis books 14 books 58 books 912 books 16 books 1720 books 2124 symbols, allegory and motifs metaphors and similes irony imagery the fractal structure of epics literary elements related links essay questions quiz 1 quiz 2 quiz 3 quiz 4 citations.

Defying hospitality throughout the development of humanity, the random group of societies have been historically allequipped to deal with challenges the state of disorganization is not conducive to advancement of society due to the chaotic nature of existence on planet earth. Hospitality is the basic root in the odyssey, by homer. Themes in odyssey with examples and analysis literary devices. Most of the epic is filled with descriptions of the feasting and gift giving by very generous hosts.

Ithaca thrinacia scylla and charybdis sparta ogygia calypso mediterranean seaimportant characters in the odyssey in order of mentionbook 1 cyclopes sfklippcza race of book 12helios hcplcjsqthe sun god, oneeyed giants. Even when death is staring odysseus in the face, he expects. Cunning, disguise, and selfrestraint theme in the odyssey. In being mortified that a guest might still be standing at the doors, he shows his humility and servitude towards his guest. The odyssey books 912 summary and analysis gradesaver. The most important value at the core of the odyssey is hospitality, a social custom common to nearly all premodern societies and essential to ancient greek social structure. In the odyssey, by homer, odysseus experiences various forms of hospitality. Hospitality has a great significance in human history. Hospitality, also called guestfriendship, was a social ritual expected of men in the greek world.

Honoring a guest was important to a host because it meant pleasing the gods and. Layers of meaning in the odyssey if you would like to learn more about some of the hidden themes throughout the odyssey, such as spiritual growth, loyalty, perseverance, and hospitality, take a look at this site. Actually, the best example is odysseus loss of his cool at the end of book 9, when he has triumphed over the cyclops and is sailing away. Xenia is the greek term for hospitality towards strangers, as displayed in the odyssey. Book 1 book 2 book 3 book 4 book 5 book 6 book 7 book 8 book 9 book 10 book 11 book 12 book book 14 book 15 book 16 book 17 book 18 book 19 book 20 book 21 book 22 book 23 book 24 themes all themes fate, the gods, and free will piety, customs, and justice cunning, disguise, and selfrestraint memory and grief glory and honor. Following are examples of epic similes in the odyssey.

Hospitality and destiny in the odyssey and sundiata studymoose. Hospitality in the ancient world was considered highly important and often sacred. What are some quotes about the value of hospitality in the odyssey. In book 1, athena comes to ithaca in disguise as the hero mentes to convince. Thinking of hospitality as a major theme in a literary work may seem odd to modern readers. The odyssey is an epic poem and epic similes in the odyssey abound. Feb 04, 2018 actually, the best example is odysseus loss of his cool at the end of book 9, when he has triumphed over the cyclops and is sailing away.

Get an answer for what are some quotes about the value of hospitality in the odyssey. As soon as polyphemus collapses with intoxication, odysseus and a select group of his men drive the redhot staff into his eye. What bad examples of xenia are there in the odyssey. What are some good examples of hubris in books 912 of the. The odyssey, still today, is one of the most recognized epic poems of all times. Defining the odyssey as an epic the odyssey is typically classified as an epic, but the general reader may not identify all of the elements that justify this categorization. One concern of hospitality is the relationship between guest and host and focuses on the sharing of. Providing some of the richest and most celebrated examples of odyssean cunning. The odyssey book 9 analysis by haley rosso on prezi. These can be shown from this quote from the odyssey.